Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Two Transformation - Jesus and Moses

For 2/17/2013
Spiritual transformation; we speak of it, have questions about its meaning and many desire it for their lives. Today we read of transformation; literal physical transformation as a sign of two peoples closeness to God. So let us look at these stories and reflect on the transformation we have seen both in ourselves and in others who have taken up a spiritual journey:

Exodus 34:28 Moses was there with God forty days and forty nights. He didn’t eat any food; he didn’t drink any water. And he wrote on the tablets the words of the covenant, the Ten Words. 29-30 When Moses came down from Mount Sinai carrying the two Tablets of The Testimony, he didn’t know that the skin of his face glowed because he had been speaking with God. Aaron and all the Israelites saw Moses, saw his radiant face, and held back, afraid to get close to him… 33-35 When Moses finished speaking with them, he put a veil over his face, but when he went into the presence of God to speak with him, he removed the veil until he came out. When he came out and told the Israelites what he had been commanded, they would see Moses’ face, its skin glowing, and then he would again put the veil on his face until he went back in to speak with God.                  The Message Version

 · Does anything sound familiar to you in this story? What is new to you as you read it?

 · What caused Moses to be transfigured? How do you imagine that he appeared – what does a glowing, radiant face mean to you   

· What was the reaction of the Israelites to his appearance? Why do you think they reacted in this way? How do you think that they interpreted this visible change in Moses’ appearance? What does it mean to you?

· Moses shielded the people from some of the change that his relationship with God made to him, do we also want to do the same – keep things about our personal spiritual life from others? Moses frightened people; could/should we have some similar reservations about overdoing it?

· How did Moses approach the presence of God? Why do you think that he removed the veil – any symbolism here?  

· What do you think was the purpose of the writer(s) of Exodus for choosing to include this particular story about Moses? What are we to understand about him and possibly God through this telling?

· Have you known people who seem to reflect a presence of spirituality through the way in which they are perceived or seen by others? Are the reactions to them and the way in which their spirituality seems to have changed them universally admired? Think of sports personalities who speak of their spirituality, or religiously based individuals who take controversial stands on local or national issues.

· Do you think that change or transformation is something we desire or expect as part of our faith life? Can there be some reservation about how far we might allow ourselves to be changed?  

· Have you sensed any kind of large or small, temporary or permanent spiritual transformation yourself? Did people seem to act differently toward you as a result of the change?

Now Jesus' Transformation:

Luke 9:28-31 About eight days after saying this, he climbed the mountain to pray, taking Peter, John, and James along. While he was in prayer, the appearance of his face changed and his clothes became blinding white. At once two men were there talking with him. They turned out to be Moses and Elijah—and what a glorious appearance they made! They talked over his exodus, the one Jesus was about to complete in Jerusalem. 32-33 Meanwhile, Peter and those with him were slumped over in sleep. When they came to, rubbing their eyes, they saw Jesus in his glory and the two men standing with him. When Moses and Elijah had left, Peter said to Jesus, “Master, this is a great moment! Let’s build three memorials: one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah.” He blurted this out without thinking. 34-35 While he was babbling on like this, a light-radiant cloud enveloped them. As they found themselves buried in the cloud, they became deeply aware of God. Then there was a voice out of the cloud: “This is my Son, the Chosen! Listen to him.” 36 When the sound of the voice died away, they saw Jesus there alone. They were speechless. And they continued speechless, said not one thing to anyone during those days of what they had seen.                             The Message Version

· What strikes you about the events taking place in verses 28-31? Do you see any significant differences in the two transfiguration stories?

· Why do you think that Jesus took the three disciples along? What do you think that the transfiguration and presence of Moses and Elijah is intended to tell us about Jesus? What does the writer of Luke want his readers/listeners to clearly understand?

· What was Jesus doing when his transfiguration take place? Was prayer for Jesus just sharing words or something more spiritual? What might it tell us about prayer, God’s presence, and personal transformation?   

· What did Jesus talk to Moses and Elijah about? How do you envision that the conversation was carried on? What do you think would have been the tone and tenor of the conversation.   

· What was Peter’s reaction to what he had seen? How does the writer of Luke describe his words? How do you interpret his state? What would your reaction have been? Have you ever babbled in reaction to something totally unbelievable or unexpected?

· God’s summary of the meaning of the transfiguration is contained in a few words. What meaning are three to take away and what do they do in response? Why do you think they elected to keep quiet? What would you have done?

· Have you ever had what you felt was an important encounter with the presence of the Spirit? What was your reaction to the experience? Did you keep quiet?

· In spite of this truly amazing experience, in the not too distant future Peter denies Jesus three times. What does this tell us about the reality of being a person of faith and yet living in the real world?

Closing Prayer
I’m asking God for one thing, only one thing:
To live with him in his house my whole life long.
I’ll contemplate his beauty; I’ll study at his feet.
That’s the only quiet, secure place in a noisy world.

Next Week’s Scriptures: Isaiah 55:1-9, Psalm 63:1-8, 1 Corinthians 10:1-13, Luke 13:1-9



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